Sober Shrinks

Become a part of evidence-based family.

We dream about the world where everyone will get the best and the most effective mental care.
Join Sober Shrinks
100% free. Takes only 1 minute to apply.
“It is possible to treat with a kind word. But it is better to treat with a kind word and an evidence-based approach.”
Marat Aghinyan
Sober One Founder and Chief Science Officer

Get your profile in the largest database

Pass multi-level certification, get verified professional profile online and access all the resourses.

Participate in the professional community

Exchange experience and knowledge with hundreds of evidence-based mental care specialists.

Free online study how to work with addictions

Sign up now and get free access to Motivational Interviewing (MI) online course, covering all basic aspects of this addiction treatment approach.

Get new clients from Sober One

70% of addicts have comorbid mental issues and require special treatment. Sober One is not a medical service thus we pass them to Sober Shrinks.

Complement your treatment with Sober One program

Got client with alcohol or substance abuse problem who needs additional support? Sober One works perfectly in combination with psychotherapy or medication treatment.

Sign up to Sober Shrinks
100% free. Takes only 1 minute to apply.

Evidence based family.

Join our community of evidence based mental health professionals.
Psychiatrists and psychotherapists are already on board.

Intervisions and supervisios

Got complicated case requiring advice from colleagues? A collective mind will help diagnose, sort out, and determine a course of therapy.

Patients exchange

If you have any client request lying outside of your area of expertise, you can find a suitable specialist from our database.

Meet some of Sober Shrinks

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